savoir-faire beyond business

I get a lot of inquiries about how to use luxury strategies in other areas of life. How to act or speak appropriately to attract a high-quality relationship. Create that savoir-faire. This especially has been the case of late related to dating. Granted I don’t call myself a relationship coach/expert, but when I was dating I had a lot of fun and I attracted the love of my life. 

There are a lot of similarities between luxury entrepreneurship and dating. Both focus on high quality. 

The goal of luxury is to attract clientele who want an elevated experience. The goal of dating (for some) is creating high-quality relationships. So for those of you who want to know how this post is for you. 

So I’ll share here 4 easily transferable tips. 

1, You are a luxury brand. As with a luxury brand, be avant-garde. What I know from my work in PR and leadership in luxury is that the key to treating my life like a luxury brand. This is like dating. It’s vital to avoid provocation in yourself. You do this by crafting how you make sense of your interactions. You’re never the victim. Guys don’t “stand you up.” Similar to luxury entrepreneurship, you are a consequence of talent and taste. You are already enough, a relationship is just the cherry on top.   

2. Tastemaker and taste educator. This is a luxury strategy staple and easily transferred to relationships. Be comfortable dating a lot of people and just getting to know people. Some call it “circular dating” when you say yes to dates. The good thing about this is that it teaches you non-attachment. You’re just allowing people to be in your presence and it’s ok because you’re not needy. Just like in luxury, the focus is PR and educating, not selling. Once you have your standards set and dealbreakers, then you can just go out leisurely. 

3. Use a red velvet rope your brand. Have high standards. Don’t make your availability super easy, but don’t be snobby or pretentious. Fill out your calendar. Have a full life so that you’re not sitting around waiting on a guy (or client) because you’re out having fun. Allow the client (and the guy) to come to you - create the conditions for this with active listening. Be pleasurable and fun to be around. The right guy won’t have a problem with this and he’ll act quickly because he’ll know you’re a rarity. 

4 Do not test. Luxury brands do not test their offers. As a tastemaker, you create the luxury brand (or, here, your expectations of a relationship). Dating and relationships have a set list of dealbreakers. I set 5. I developed the list myself. I didn’t “test” or read mass-market dating books to determine them. I developed them myself. Testing (or using the mass market) leaves you subject to others. You give your power away. Stay in your power. You set the standards. 

There are many more and if you’re committed to results, the key is to apply them with fidelity. These will make you stand out. If you want to work with me closer I take a few select clients and work with them closely on creating a dating experience that feels wealthy and luxurious. Email me and we can set up a time for a consultation.