Glam the Room: How to charismatically network  

Admittedly I was committed to being an introvert, no matter how others tried to convince me otherwise. 

But when I was on Capitol Hill hosting tours and in PR. Everything changed. I truly learned the value of “glamming the room.” 

This is all about having fun mingling at networking events. 

Even to this day, when my networking skills elevate, so does my personal brand and business. 

Elevate your personal brand by trying these networking strategies; I’ll show you how to use all these approaches in your brand.

Here are approaches that work for using personal brand to charismatically “glam the room” at any networking event. 

Purposefully connecting 

One way to uplevel your charm is to improve your communication style. Sounds basic, but let me explain. We all communicate regardless if we want to or not. We communicate with our body language, attire, stride/walk, behavior, what we say, the pitch in our voice, and yes, who you are seen with online or in-person. 

Remember: a brand is a series of associations. So make sure they are charismatic and ON BRAND. 

Ask: is your social circle a reflection of the brand you’re creating? What does your social circle say about you? Are you communicating these circles purposefully (rather than ​​haphazardly)? 

Being charismatic and having an elevated personal brand is a matter of communicating purposefully. Your brand is a statement of how you communicate your values.

This is not being “opportunistic.” This is about being thoughtful. 

This social circle will help you grow, and, because you’re purposeful, you’ll help others in your circle grow too.

“Trying so hard:” The perils of a mismanaged personal brand

Low-quality brand-building is hard.

Networking using this low-quality brand will feel like a grind.

It’s that simple. 

How you carry yourself in social settings and where you place your personal brand (which rooms) is a direct reflection of this brand. So if it feels hard or your actions are not creating the results you want, then it’s due to an undefined personal brand. 

Remember, outfits, extravagant purchases, and cosmetics won’t disguise a mismanaged personal brand. Yes, they help. I am known to associate myself with Chanel. Chanel is a high-end luxury brand. As such, I am seen as high-end too. 

Even so, I still have to manage my brand and strategically place it. It’s not automatic. 

It’s a lifelong skill. 

It’s like with homes. Decorating a room doesn’t take away the fact that a house really needs interior design and has bad construction. 

Same with personal brands. Designers seek out my advising salon because they feel “misaligned” or lack a brand. It feels hard.

Use your personal brand to get in the right places and have eloquent conversations with key people in the right rooms.  

Conclusion and Application: 

These approaches are the very reason that I’ve been able to create massive results in my brand as well as go on to create multiple six-figure and millionaire brands. 

With the art of charisma, I’m beyond being a steadfast introvert to being more balanced without sacrifice. 

Refining one’s charisma in your personal brand is a social investment that never stops giving. 

Here is an application:

Who do you currently think is good at “glamming the room?” Take note of what they say and do. Their words are a direct reflection of their personal brand. 

If you don’t know anyone in your current circle then look at popular media or books. Better yet, do events in your community and authentically connect with people. From there, ask them. Say “I love this conversation. I’m looking to have more like this. Do you know any local groups that I can link up with to have more quality conversations like this?” This conversation only takes about 20 minutes or less. But be sure to wait until you’ve created a connection to ask for help.

I know what it feels like to be stuck when it comes to networking. It feels awkward at first; but as my friend says “It’s always awkward before it’s elegant.”  I keep applying these to my personal brand in order to create each evolution of my business and lifestyle. 

I will show you the exact method I use to apply these to my own personal brand to meet key people so that you can do the same. Send me a couple of times on this form that works for you and we can set a 20-minute call during what I call using my Ask an Advisor.