
Welcome to Leading Lavishly

Inspiring your everyday

Are you so weighed down by your to-do list and responsibilities that you’ve neglected yourself?

Maybe you’re experiencing creative burnout and boredom. Or perhaps you’re seeking to make a change.

Design your unique life.

When you elevate your life, you elevate your career.

Leading Lavishly is an online destination for people who want to lead inspired.


My name is Jamay—a Ph.D. master coach with expertise in business/life. I’m the founder and host of Leading Lavishly.

I offer feminine ways to (re)discover and bring out your balanced business and life. I empower my clients to develop a more effective and stronger sense of self that helps them lead elegantly designed lives. And yes, leading is about more than your professional title!

Leadership in business/life is how you show up.


Elegant Everyday Inspiration

Private Business/Life Coaching

Ready to go beyond group coaching?

Enroll in a mini-coaching session to learn how to take your signature style to the next level.

Looking for everyday inspiration?

Sign up for my style newsletter or read quick insights that will help bring out your best style.


My clients are high achievers, influencers, and leaders in various spaces from all backgrounds who are seeking balance.

Leading Lavishly centers on inspiring others to develop and refine their business/life(style). Find out how to identify and voice your unique leadership style while living a balanced, healthy, and fulfilling life.

Learn how style can help you create the life of your dreams.

Lavish: (v.) / lav-ish, ’la-vish/; to give profusely while not sacrificing yourself

(Life)style: (n.) /stīl/; a distinctive manner of being and becoming; a manner of doing something; how you present yourself//a writing style, a communication style

Leading Lavishly means giving generously to yourself and ultimately to others. Develop a career and life that empowers you to voice your authentic self in the world.

A balanced business and life—it’s a way of life!

Stay lavish


Cultivating lavish syle in all aspects of life

Leading Lavishly, LLC