When you’re just not “with-it:" Tips to try today

Working in leadership development as an educator, author, and speaker - I know the feeling some days when no matter what, it felt like you can’t get my head in the “zone” - like you’re in a rut. But as a leader “the show must go on!” So you have to just get going and coach your own mind to where you need it to be. But the question is, “How?!”

Wisdom proves to us over and over, that getting your mind in the right place will give you the results you desire. As a leadership coach and researcher, I help my leaders with this all the time. 

What should a leader do when they wake up not “with-it” and need to shake it? Here are a few things I practice and similarly coach my leaders.  

  • Do it! - Whatever it is you need to do. Just do it anyway and, when your mind is telling you something you know won’t help you, do the opposite. Today, for example, as soon as it was time for me to start my writing time, my mind started telling me “Today is a bad day” and “Just do something else instead.” I coached myself by taking note of these emotional messages and did the task anyway! It’s not about how I felt at the time, but about how I wanted to feel. Although your mind might keep giving you excuses why you should “not write the report,” or “not pitch that idea” for example, just take note and move forward toward your goal.  

  • Spin it! - Spin your thoughts so that they serve your optimal purpose. Not the false-purpose your mind is trying to convince you of at the moment. When working with clients I hear things like “I’m too busy.” So, help them remember how fortunate they are to have choices, and that they need to step into their power and just make the choice that aligns them with their purpose. 

Some days it’s natural to be not “with-it” but, my advice as a leadership coach, I suggest you try these strategies. Leadership can be draining, especially if you work in a non-profit or a social enterprise, so you can’t wait for inspiration outside of yourself. Simply, you have to inspire yourself, lead your own mind, and just get “with-it.” With this practice, you ultimately realize the falsehood of “not being with it.” Instead you just “do it.” 

Do you need more ideas for getting “with-it”? If so, contact me directly for personalized leadership coaching based on your unique aspirations.

T. Jamay