Implement Hard and Unpopular Practices, Now
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash
Implement Hard and Unpopular Practices, Now
There are way too many of us that feel stuck because we want to fine-tune and evolve our practices. Especially, when it comes to implementing hard and unpopular initiatives. Nonetheless, I say hard and unpopular practices are a must-do, immediately!
You may ask, “Jamay, I work in an organization that is not supportive of “unpopular” practices?” I tell you now, that doesn’t matter. In my private coaching, leaders regularly come to me with this issue. Inspiration is what my private clients are seeking. I help them realize and implement the inspiration that is everywhere. It is, for this reason, I’m writing to you about this.
As a matter of fact, someone in the Leading Lavishly community had the same question about being supported. So, before I get at the why and how, let me share how one of you benefited from the Leading Lavishly Lifestyle. The Lavish Limelight is on Terry.
Her experience is so profound. She said,
Jamay your coaching has been such an inspiration for me. I look forward to reading your emails and joining our calls because they really make a difference in my day. I’m very proud to have you in my life! Bravo!!
I’m proud to have made a difference in Tina’s life and it is the reason I am committed to my private clients. Again, examples of this inspiration come from everyday examples.
So in today’s installation, I will share with you why leaders get stuck and how they become unstuck when it comes to risky practices. I see so many leaders struggle with this (e.g. fear) and I get so many questions about this that it is the very reason I studied community-focused leaders, who were actually detained or imprisoned when they resisted injustice and led “against the grain.”
I know what my clients struggle with and why they burn-out. My clients are community-focused leaders around the world interested in improving lives but have to make decisions against the grain. I’ve worked with plenty of leaders affiliated with organizations, who come to me feeling concerned because they know even as a leader they could be "reassigned" a position that is more constraining due to a commitment to their passion. They have witnessed others unexpectedly "reassigned" to a non-leadership role and their responsibilities assigned to a new employee whose practices are more congruent with the current administration. I’ve also worked with social entrepreneurs concerned that their client/customer base will dwindle if they seem “too pushy” or “too political.” I understand. I’ve too seen and experienced serious consequences when you take up the kind of work that’s more aligned with your beliefs to improve communities.
There are ways to address hard or unpopular practices. I’ll share some quick examples and then steps you can take to accelerate this inspiration in your own life.
Dig deep - no like really deep. First, yes, I realize these are serious issues. This is why first you need to dig into your reason why by unearthing your thoughts/beliefs, emotions, and actions. This step is critical. Skipping this will leave you in a rut. Once you dig into this and become rock-solid on your “Why?”, you will be able to implement your practices, even if they are seemingly unpopular, with more success and fidelity.
Advocate and not burn-out. When you lead from this place, you avoid burn-out and provide enduring advocacy for your community. You bring about feelings of great possibility and hope, not only for your community/clients but for yourself. Whatever strategy you choose in your practice, it becomes an important way to bring about lavish lives, where you, as the impetus become the model of this. You feel a greater sense of peace and banish overwhelm.
Ancient wisdom teaches us over and over again that once we can be and become our best selves we are beacons of hope for others we influence every day. I coach leaders on taking action and living their dreams. Leaders who sign up for Leading Lavishly programs live out their best lives quicker than they ever imagine. The best leaders are coached leaders - so be coached on your own terms. Sign up for the LL Masterclass or Signature program before they close for enrollment. Stay lavish!